5 Myths about Tummy Tuck Procedure | Apollo Cosmetic Clinics
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5 Myths about Tummy Tuck Procedure

Abdominoplasty, or commonly known as a tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure to make the abdomen thinner and more firm by removing the excess fat and skin, and tighten the muscles of the abdomen wall. This procedure is taken up by people with sagging tissues or who are dealing with obesity.

Although, this procedure is one of the most popular approaches of giving the body a new look, there are certain misconceptions people have about the procedure. Few of the common myths are:

  1. Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction:
    The most sought after question on any person’s mind while considering a weight loss strategy is a war between Tummy Tuck and Liposuction. While the common thought is that both the procedures’ combined help gets you into that sculpted shape. Liposuction is used to chisel your abdomen by removing only excess fat from behind the abdomen; whereas a tummy tuck is used to remove the excess skin tissues. Depending on your body requirement and discretion, the doctor will suggest whether you need a liposuction along with your Tummy tuck or not.
  2. Tummy tuck after pregnancy:
    Another idea people have about this surgery, is that women cannot get pregnant after getting the procedure. The doctors generally advice woman to wait and get the procedure post pregnancy because, during pregnancy, the abdominal muscles and stomach skin stretches out again, which makes the whole procedure unsatisfactory.
  3. Tummy tuck recovery time:
    Many people feel that this procedure is only a minor surgery and has a minimal recovery period. With the surgery cutting out all the excess fat, skin and tissues, the body takes a considerable amount of time to heal within the next few weeks post surgery.
  4. Tummy tuck before and after:
    The myth that is commonly assumed is that there are no marks or scars post the procedure, however, like any other surgery, they will leave a certain amount of scars depending on the amount of skin you lose. Nonetheless, experts at Apollo Cosmetic Clinic will ensure minimal scarring with the help of highly advanced techniques.
  5. Tummy tuck cost: Although the surgery may seem extensive, the cost of the procedure is pretty reasonably priced. The after effects of the surgery are totally worth its cost.

These are a few of the myths that steer away people from getting this surgery. Consulting a good doctor will help you overcome all these myths and provide an insight into helping you get a stress-free procedure towards a healthy body and a chiselled look.


