Tummy Tuck Surgery in Chennai | Apollo Cosmetic Clinics

Tummy Tuck Surgery Treatment & Procedure

Unattractive skin folds in the abdomen that occur due to pregnancy, severe weight loss or aging may affect the body contour and aesthetic appearance. Many people struggle to get rid of their bulged tummy even after following a healthy diet and exercise. For those who want a flatter, firmer belly or toner body, tummy tuck surgery or the abdominoplasty might be the best choice.

What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

The tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is one of the most common body contouring procedures. The surgery involves removal of excess fat and skin in the abdominal wall and tightening of the abdominal muscles of a flatter stomach.

The tummy tuck also has certain medical benefits that include the following:

  • Reduces stress urinary incontinence after vaginal delivery
  • Improves the posture
  • Prevents the future occurrence of hernias
  • Reduces the efforts to maintain the weight loss
  • Boosts self-esteem

When to opt for a tummy tuck surgery?

  • If you have got stubborn fat and excess skin in the abdomen
  • If you feel that your belly fat is making you less confident
  • If severe weight loss or pregnancy has affected the abdominal contour

The individuals with heart diseases, unstable weight, or those who are planning for pregnancy may not be the right candidates for tummy tuck surgery.


How to prepare for the procedure?

Firstly, you must visit the surgeon to know about the pros and cons of the procedure and to schedule the procedure. Based on the medical evaluation, your doctor will determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the abdominoplasty. Once the surgery is scheduled, your doctor will give certain instructions on how to prepare.

Your doctor might suggest you to avoid taking certain medications such as aspirin that may lead to complications during the surgery. You must stop smoking several weeks before the surgery.

What happens during the Tummy Tuck surgery?

The tummy tuck procedure is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen where the length of the incision depends on the excess fat or skin to be removed. Then, the surgeon will disconnect the skin from underlying tissue and fat deposits and tightens the abdominal muscles. Finally, the remaining skin is stretched tightly and sutured. The surgery may last for about three to four hours.

Tummy Tuck surgery Recovery Steps:

After the surgery, it may take a few weeks to return to the normal activities and work. You must avoid strenuous exercise and lifting heavy objects for about six weeks. Your doctor would prescribe you certain medications after the surgery. You must follow the instructions given by your doctor to avoid the complications.

Surgeons In Apollo Cosmetic Clinics