What makes you eligible for Rhinoplasty? - Apollo Cosmetic Clinics

What makes you eligible for Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure meant to correct or enhance your nose by adjusting any nasal flaws. It is important for both, patients and doctors, to identify the reasons for undertaking the surgery and determine the suitable conditions for the same.

Some of the most common reasons people opt for a Rhinoplasty are:

  • Bulbous tip nose
  • Crooked Nose
  • Narrow nose
  • Nostril collapse
  • Asymmetric tip
  • High bridge
  • Droopy nose
  • Upturned Nose
  • Deviated septum
  • Wide/flaring nostrils
  • Broken Nose
  • Dorsal hump
  • Low bridge
  • Wide nose

Two factors, primarily, play an important role in determining eligibility for Rhinoplasty:

The psychological well-being of the patient and their medical history. It is important for the patient to clearly explain the nasal problems that they are facing and be completely open and honest with the surgeon.

They are expected to give a detailed history of their past medication and must not fail to mention any kind of medicine or drug that they may have consumed, along with the relevant prescriptions.

The psychological condition of the patients will also be analysed to determine the motive for undergoing the surgery, beyond doubt.

It is important to have realistic expectations about what the rhinoplasty surgery can accomplish. Prospective patients, who express interest in going for a nasal surgery, are carefully assessed, to ensure that they are physically and emotionally prepared to undergo this cosmetic procedure.

Prior to the surgery, patients will need to undergo a complete physical test, to ensure that the candidate is physically stable enough to undergo and tolerate the physiological stresses associated with nose surgery.

Through this examination, every physical problem of the candidate is detected and, in many cases, a consultation with an anesthesiologist is also conducted, if the candidate’s medical data demands it.

Prospective patients also need to get certain facial and nasal testing done, where their type of the skin, the symmetry of the aesthetic nasal subunits and any visible scar marks are properly evaluated.

The nasal examination is conducted both, internally and externally: upper, middle and lower section. The structures of these sections; the correct nasal angle measure, which determines the angle at which the nose projects from the face; as well the physical features of the nasofacial tissues, are specifically analysed during this medical examination.

The purpose of the internal examination is to determine the condition of the nasal septum, the internal and external nasal valves, the turbinate and the nasal lining. Candidates will need to clear all these specific tests, before being cleared for surgery.

Once the prospective patients clear all the above stages of examinations, there is another pre-surgical evaluation, during which some other specific tests, such as the mirror test, vasoconstriction examinations and the Cottle manoeuvre are conducted.

Cottle manoeuvre is a technique used to detect an internal nasal-valve disorder. In this procedure, while the candidates gently inhale, the surgeon pulls their cheeks laterally and simulates the widening of the cross-sectional area of the respective internal nasal valve. While doing so, if this movement helps the patient’s inspiration, it is considered a positive result.

A prospective patient will be declared eligible for Rhinoplasty, only after the final phase of medical tests is successfully completed. During these medical tests and examinations, surgeons also get a good understanding of the specific nasal areas.

They also become aware of the specific nasal problems faced by the patient which helps them come up with suitable solutions to provide the necessary relief.

Eligibility criteria for rhinoplasty surgery

Some other useful information regarding Rhinoplasty:

  1. Avoid the sun: Rhinoplasty involves separating the skin from the bone and cartilage underneath. Exposure to sunlight may cause the development of scar tissue or could complicate the healing process in other ways. To avoid scarring and to ensure the best results, you should take care to avoid exposing your nose to sunlight following your surgery.
  2. Post-op recovery: Post-operative recovery will take between 1 to 2 weeks. After that, you will, under normal circumstances, be able to return to work and your other daily activities. Avoid strenuous exercises and movements until your doctor gives you a go-ahead.
  3. Is Rhinoplasty painful: Normally, a general anaesthesia is administered during the surgery, so you will not be conscious of any pain. Pain medication is prescribed, as needed, during the recovery period. The range in the experience of pain among rhinoplasty patients is highly varied. It is always advisable to stick to the medication prescribed by the doctor. Anti-inflammatory medications work differently from narcotic painkillers, by reducing swelling and improving blood flow in the region.

It is always advisable to consult with experienced specialists, which helps minimize risks and assists in a speedy, comfortable recovery. Reach out to some of the most experienced and trusted surgeons at an Apollo Cosmetic Clinics near you.

